Pet Insurance
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Can I Buy Pet Insurance For Multiple Pets?

How to protect your furry family with a multi-pet insurance policy as well as how much it costs and discounts that are available.

If you’re a pet parent with multiple furry friends, you may be wondering how buying pet insurance works.

While some insurance companies require you to buy separate policies for each pet, others may allow you to add multiple pets to one policy.

In this article, we’re giving you all the information you need to know on pet insurance for multiple pets.

Let’s dig in!

How Does Insurance For Multiple Pets Work?

Insurance for multiple pets works a bit differently than a ‘family plan’ in human health.

When purchasing your policy, you’ll be able to add each of your pet’s during registration. And, then you’ll be able to customize your plan for each of your furry friends.

You’ll choose each pet’s individual deductible, reimbursement percentage, and annual limit based on their unique needs.

For example, pet owners with a senior dog and a new puppy may want different deductibles based on their pet’s varying ages.

With a Fursure Insurance plan, bundling your pets together will get you a discount on your policies. And, of course you can easily manage your policies in the Fursure App.

How Much Does Insurance For Multiple Pets Costs?

Now, that you know how multi-pet insurance works, you may be wondering how much it costs.

The cost of your policy for each pet is determined by various factors.

Each pet will be priced individually based on their:

  • Breed: Some breeds are more prone to accident and illnesses which will play a role in the policy cost.
  • Age: The older your pet is, the higher the cost. Which is why we recommend getting your pet covered when they are young if possible.
  • Gender
  • Where you live: The cost of veterinary care varies depending on location which will be taken into consideration when determining your policy price.

And, the number of pets you have will also affect the cost. The more pets you insure, the higher the price will be.

Once we have all the information about your pets, we’ll price their policies individually, then combine those prices and apply a multi-pet discount.

Then, you’re all set with the best insurance for all your pets.

Is There a Multi-Pet Discount?

So, is there a multi-pet discount for pet parents who protect their pet with Fursure Insurance?

Yes! You’ll receive a 5% discount on each additional pet you add. Each additional pet will receive 5% off their plan, not 5% off the total cost of all pets.

Therefore, if you have multiple furry friends, it’s best to sign them up for a plan together in order to reap the benefits and save money.

Protect Your Pets With a Policy From Fursure

At Fursure, our goal is to help pet parents give their pets the best possible care.

With our pet insurance plans, you’ll have peace of mind knowing that your pets are protected and that you are able to afford their critical veterinary procedures and visits.

With our multi-pet insurance plan and discount, your furry family will be covered and be able to live a long, happy and healthy life.

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